Monday, January 10, 2011

I am old

really, its not so true but the fact is yes, i am one year older. me like Elguapo turned 33 years old.

its my Jesus year, I must become remarkable, i must do the things that are better than the 32 year old me.

why must i be better you may ask, why not?

i think everyone should try to be better and I'm here to tell you why...
its our mandate to better ourselves.
if we are not moving forward we are not moving.
OK we could be moving backward and most people suggest that is a bad thing, I might say its a good thing.  I for one feel if one can not move backward they are not looking at themselves in a true light.

It is my past that defines me.
it is what I've done and who I've met that sculpts me into who i am and who i want to be. 
you will make me a better person.
I thank you for it. 

i got a better phone today, it is my inspiration.

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