Saturday, October 29, 2011


The day comes when you have to just man up and race in a harder division... or you do it because it starts 2 hours later and you want to sleep in... that is me, the sleeper-iner.
I found that I am a back row starter and a back row finisher but boy is the journey fun. I mean painful fun.  Every part of my body hurt, mostly my lungs but my quads were right up there. my back was like ouch and i wish i had more to eat because my tummy ached for anything to be in there.

The Gilly
The day was hot and the water was...n't flowing, but the air was crisp and the dollar bills raining... really, htey hand out money and beer(if they dont get caught). the money is no problem.... the thing is, i was so tired that it was too hard to grab the $$$$ like im really that tired... at first I was too tired to notice it.. it was breath hard and ride... then i got going and  it was breath harder and ride harder and then it was breath super hard and try not to fall off the bike due to this asthmatic situation you find yourself in at the half way mark of the first lap.  FOUR MORE to go... in the the awe inspiring words of the Gilly.. YYAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!.

So, out of breath and legs a hurtin...i pressed on. and on, and On.  really it gets frustrating when people kinda keep passing you on the long flats that come up after the super technical stuff you were just gaping them on... I GOT NO LEGS AND NOOOO LUNGS!!  guess it might help if i trained at all right... riding once a week (the race) might not be the best way to improve.

The picture to the left is the Run Up which at this race came after the barriers: they are a 10 inch or so tall wall that you have to get over any way you can.. they usually put enough of them together to make sure you can not bunny hop them, so you dis mount... this is a skill that i am acquiring a taste for. It is fun!.. the re mount is super cool if done right... its like Superman jumping on a bike... for me its like Superman jumping on a bike made of Kryptonite.. NOT pretty. more of a dude, is he gonna be able to have kids? type of thing.

At the end of the race I didnt come in last... there were like 3 behind me... actually 5 but i got lucky. 

Cyclocross is RAD!   you should try it.